AYC Member Clubs, Links, Commodores and History





Club Phone


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Associated Yacht Clubs

Rob Wolas




wpe4.jpg (923 bytes) All Ports Yacht Club Mark Weller Deb 440-887-7912 APYC
wpe5.jpg (977 bytes) Bay View Yacht Club Rick Wagner Jolene 419-729-0731 BVYC
wpe6.jpg (991 bytes) Catawba West Harbor Yacht Club Kathy Schaefer P/C John 419-797-9962 CWHYC
wpe7.jpg (1116 bytes) Cooley Canal Yacht Club Don Tomanski Sue 567-202-0216 CCYC
wpe8.jpg (1096 bytes) Detroit Beach Boat Club Bruce Perham Nancy 734-289-3222 DBBC
wpe9.jpg (1158 bytes) Elba Mar Boat Club Debbie Tilney Jack 734-671-9639 EMBC
wpeA.jpg (1072 bytes) Ford Yacht Club Tom MacDonald Kathy 734-676-8422 FYC
Fremont Yacht Club

Jack Rhodes



wpeB.jpg (1004 bytes) Great Lakes Steel Boat Club John Armatis Cheri 313-297-3282 GLSBC
wpeC.jpg (1039 bytes) Grosse Ile Yacht Club James Butler Theresa 734-676-0211 GIYC
wpeD.jpg (1029 bytes) Harbor View Yacht Club Ray Hennan Carole 419-691-0018 HVYC
wpeE.jpg (970 bytes) Indian Hill Boat Club Larry Inguagiato Mary Kay 419-893-9265 IHBC
wpeF.jpg (1007 bytes) Inter-Lakes Yachting Association John "Jack" Attkisson Pam ' I-LYA
wpe10.jpg (980 bytes) Jolly Roger Sailing Club Peter Clay Kathy 419-729-4971 JRSC
wpe11.jpg (1044 bytes) Mariner's Boat Club John Leslie Joyce 586-469-9702 MaBC
wpe12.jpg (1077 bytes) Maumee River Yacht Club Al Crum Carole 419-382-3625 MRYC
wpe13.jpg (1054 bytes) Monroe Boat Club Tom Konopka Jan Dean 734-243-8935 MBC
wpe15.jpg (1093 bytes) North Cape Yacht Club Tom Grime Linda 734-242-5081 NCYC
wpe16.jpg (944 bytes) Nugent's Canal Yacht Club Gary Witt Sylvia 419-734-4530 NuCYC
wpe17.jpg (1057 bytes) Ottawa River Yacht Club Terry Trimmer Debbie 419-729-9421 ORYC
wpe18.jpg (990 bytes) Perrysburg Boat Club Jerry Abair LueAnn 419-874-4195 PBC
wpe19.jpg (1011 bytes) Point Place Boat Club Chuck Duchene Sue 419-727-8747 PPBC
wpe1A.jpg (1090 bytes) Put-In-Bay Yacht Club

Jennifer Kahler

John 419-285-4505 PIBYC
wpe1B.jpg (1018 bytes) River View Yacht Club John Hunt Karen 419-729-9251 RVYC
wpe1C.jpg (1059 bytes) Seaway Boat Club Mike Brown Noella 734-281-9697 SeBC
wpe1D.jpg (956 bytes) Sun Parlour Boat Club Marty Zamparo Michelle 519-975-4654 SPBC
wpe1E.jpg (961 bytes) SunSeeker's Boating Club Ed Rader Brenda 734-839-6655 SSBC
wpe1F.jpg (1071 bytes) Swan Boat Club Eric Hermann Sally 734-586-2002 SBC
wpe20.jpg (817 bytes) Toledo Ice Yacht Club Kent Baker Erica Stange 419-726-9811 TIYC
wpe21.jpg (972 bytes) Toledo Sailing Club Tim Wisniewski Michelle 419-382-5841 TSC
wpe22.jpg (940 bytes) Toledo Yacht Club David W. Kiel Jan 419-726-3485 TYC
wpe23.jpg (1088 bytes) West River Yacht & Cruising Club Cindy Mackey P/C Dick Kott 745-654-3932 WRYCC
wpe24.jpg (1037 bytes) Wyandotte Yacht Club Gary Bonaventura Margie 313-381-2628 WYC
AYC Member Clubs, Links, Commodores, and History

2007 Commodores

2006 Commodores

Last Updated on 5/1/2006
By Ed Payne